Skipping Stones BUILDERXbraxusx #easy #switch #free #easy #switch #free DEATH 50 % PLAY82 Fastest 0:18 Average 0:43 PLAY on STEAM Dungeon ID*206823
Northern Challenge BUILDERXbraxusx #Escape #bomb #PushBox Find your way out of a frozen cave. #Escape #bomb #PushBox DEATH 73 % PLAY15 Fastest 0:38 Average 0:58 PLAY on STEAM Dungeon ID*205402
Dark Maze BUILDERXbraxusx #switch #Escape You need to find your way out of a maze. #switch #Escape DEATH 31 % PLAY16 Fastest 0:27 Average 1:09 PLAY on STEAM Dungeon ID*205199
Filled River BUILDERXbraxusx #PushBox #Escape #puzzle You need to fill a river with blocks to get to the objective. #PushBox #Escape #puzzle DEATH 79 % PLAY14 Fastest 0:24 Average 0:38 PLAY on STEAM Dungeon ID*205070
Lake In The Forest BUILDERXbraxusx #puzzle #PushBox #Boulders You have to find your way into a lake that's inside of a forest. #puzzle #PushBox #Boulders DEATH 62 % PLAY13 Fastest 0:30 Average 0:52 PLAY on STEAM Dungeon ID*205063